The Come-Back Myth (Determination Perspective)


At the Union Gospel Mission on Friday night, a sincere, contrite man told my wife that he wanted to come back to the Lord. How many times have you heard that? You have to wonder what is going on in his mind, what he really means and what he thinks he needs to do to come back to the Lord. It scares me more to think what someone might suggest that he do in order to get back. It might cause more frustration.

God loves a broken and contrite heart, but I question the very definition of contrite. By definition, it means that a person is determined to make things right. How determined does a person need to be? How many of us can really make things right by determination? What does determination look like? Besides, there is no guarantee that you will continue to be contrite tomorrow. Your determination may weaken. Can you be determined enough to make your life or marriage work?

I think it is beautiful that the man is even considering the Lord. This man is already at the place he needs to be. Just the thought and desire to be right is beautiful and the desire itself is the beginning of transformation. God does not look on the outside, he looks on the heart. This man’s spiritual perspective was formed over time. He ended up disappointing God, others and himself and he didn’t know what to think or do. He’s failed and sees himself as a failure. He’s now ready and determined to give God another try. His effort or determination is not God’s plan and will result in more frustration.

Rather than his own determination, he needs to see how determined God is for him to experience His amazing grace and love.

I met a young man last week who spoke about his wedding day. We were talking about the moment that he and he wife entered into oneness. When did they exactly become one? We weren’t sure. Was it the day they got engaged? Did they enter oneness at the same time? Was it the moment the minister pronounced them husband and wife or was it when they signed the marriage certificate. Maybe it was later when they consummated their relationship.

On their wedding day he was able to stand at the front of the church and look through a window and watch people arriving. His heart was filling with expectation as the people filed in. Later he saw the beautiful bridesmaids come down the aisle. Then the moment came. There she was. Upon seeing her, he was overwhelmed with an indescribable glory. Maybe that was the moment he came into oneness.

“For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in Him should have eternal life.”  John 6:40

I remember the most amazing smile on my son’s face when he stood at the altar and watched his bride come down the aisle. I have witnessed very few moments so delightful. When my daughter was married I watched my son in law cry with joy like something I have never seen. That smile and those tears bless me to this day. Their hearts were filled. There was something perfect at that “wonder moment”.

The heart was made for God’s love and grace. It’s always intrigued me how difficult it is for some people to accept grace. Some people find it easier to accept their own condemnation than to accept God’s grace. Some people miss the “wonder moment” because they wonder if they have what it takes for the future. I’m glad the three grooms in this story were simply captured by the moment. They were not concerned about tomorrow. They weren’t wondering if they had what it takes for the future.

Many people are already at the place God wants them to be and they get sidetracked by their own misconceptions. Many are like the man at the mission who are already where they need to be with God but think they need to do something more. How did he even arrive at the thought that he did? He is on the precipice of the smile or tears of joy as he ponders the wonder of God’s grace and his oneness with Him. Just like the groom, maybe the man at the mission is already one. Besides God never left him and therefore there is no place to go back to.

God doesn’t want my determination, he just wants me. God is not concerned with what I am going to do next, he wants me just the way I am today. He wants me to enjoy Him today. Coming back to the Lord may simply mean giving up on “your” determination to make it right or get it right and accept where you are and accept God’s perspective.

You are the bride of Christ. Can you remember the wonder moment when you became one? He was smiling and all heaven was full of joy.

“The one who joins himself with the Lord is one spirit with Him.”  1 Corinthians 6:17

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